Dismissing Christ

Recently God spoke to me in a dream. I interacted with people I knew who were trying to get a project done that required creative thinking.  Things got to a point where the discussion was so heated that one person was asked to leave by the group leader.  Since I knew both the group leader and the person asked to leave the group, I was led to talk to the leader in the dream. 

I began to say to the leader that I knew this person and also knew that there was a personality flaw.  However, the person was gifted, talented, and a clear thinker.  I said to the leader that dismissing this person was cutting off the success of the project because of the contribution they could make if guided in the right direction.  I began to encourage the leader to work with the person in order to get the best results for the project.

The dream was so very real to me and God began speaking to me immediately when I awaken.

I will share His thoughts as I interpreted them.

·         God is the One who dismisses people from our lives or circumstances.  We should never discount or “write off”  human beings.  God created them in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26) and within them is the capacity to change and to offer the world their potential in Him.  If an individual is not supposed to be in a given life or circumstance, Father will in His divine wisdom order the steps of a Believer (He will exit any who He has not ordained for your life and/or circumstance) (Proverbs 20:24).

·         Keep an “open heart” (of love) toward other people regardless of their faults and differences.  The only thing God hates is sin.  He does not hate sinners.  As a matter of fact, He sent Jesus to die for us while we were sinners (Romans 5:8).  An open heart of love will always be protected by God.  A closed heart that despises and dismisses others can never be honored by God.   If you dismiss man, you have inadvertently dismissed God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  God’s eternal purpose is:  “Man with Him for Eternity.”

·         When we isolate, dismiss or exclude others based on any set of circumstances, we say to our Eternal Creator and Father God that His creation does not measure up to our standards for existence on earth.  Well, as Believers we do not have the right or privilege to do that.  It was Jesus Christ who died for the sins of all men regardless of race, creed, color, and social status.  Those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord don’t get to eliminate and decide who is not welcome into the God-life fold.

·         There are criteria for the God-life and each man either chooses to confirm (accept) or deny (reject) the privilege of entering into Eternity with God.  A person accepting God through Jesus is responsible for obeying His word, loving others, and making disciples.

·         Always negotiate from a standpoint of love.  If you seem at a point of vulnerability there, God is your Protector, Shield, and Covering.  You will never lose.  Love always wins  and hate always loses.

The God-life is contingent upon whether or not you are surrendered and being led by the Holy Spirit.  If you are, you will have a respect and love for all of God’s creations, regardless of the race, creed, social status, or color.

 “You dismiss Christ by dismissing the people for whom He died.”

Abraham and Sarah corrupted God’s plan for the “son of the promise” and yet God still made a covenant with Hagar (Genesis 16:10-16), the outcast. He does not dismiss His creation, but rather gives an opportunity for them to change, be healed, and to serve His eternal purpose.

I end this blog with God’s word in two versions of the bible.  This is His heart toward all of His creation.

Acts 17:26, King James Version.
“God made of one blood all nations to dwell upon the face of the earth and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation, that they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after Him, though He be not far from every one of us:  for in Him we live, and move and have our being…”   

Acts 17:26-27 Amplified Version
“And He made from one [common origin, one source, one blood] all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth, having definitely determined [their] allotted periods of time and fixed boundaries of their habitation (their settlements, lands, and abodes).  So that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after Him and find Him, although He is not far from each one of us.”

Beloved of God (Hear His Heart)

I truly believe that God is in control of all the lives surrendered to Him.  I refuse to believe otherwise.  The great commission is "Go make disciples, teach all nations … (Mark 16:15-16)."   The peace of God rules in our hearts when we focus in on this continually.  We then do not respond to external circumstances with fear, hatred, inflammatory chatter, and guarded opinions.  I am confident that the “Good News” trumps all of the bad news. I trust in the God who has ETERNITY for Believers in His hand.  

Those of us who truly know God rest in peace because God puts up one and takes down another (so says His word Psalms 75:6-7).  Should we worry at any time regarding anything? No. We should pray like Jesus did that the Body of Christ becomes One.   I will reign with Christ on November 7, 2012 just as I will on November 6, 2012.  This is the victory of Jesus Christ. Victory is not in a man, or a party, or money, or power. Victory is in Christ Jesus!

One thing saints of the 1600’s (Guyon, Fenelon, Molinos, John of the Cross, Theresa of Avila, etc.) understood was that God was sovereign and in control.  They saw and believed that everything in their lives was from the hand of God once they surrendered to Him.  This is the challenge, should not we understand and believe the truth that all things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28)?  When we examine our motives, we should humble ourselves and say, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done."  

I pray for the Body of Christ that we not play right into Satan's plan to divide us.  Let us all be quiet and hear what the Spirit of God is saying.  He is still on His priority which is not how to “harness sin”, but to get Jesus into the hearts of people and let Him free them from their sins.

All unrighteousness is sin.  When we place one sin above the other, this plays right into Satan's plan. Sinners will sin until their hearts are filled with the Sinless One (Jesus).  The Sinless One (Jesus) must be lifted up by His Body (Believers) so that all men can be drawn unto Him and Him alone (John 12:32).

So then what is the plan for this nation and this world?  What does God want us to do?  What is the great commission?
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.

Beloved of God (Hear His Heart)

I truly believe that God is in control of all the lives surrendered to Him.  I refuse to believe otherwise.  The great commission is "Go make disciples, teach all nations … (Mark 16:15-16)."   The peace of God rules in our hearts when we focus in on this continually.  We then do not respond to external circumstances with fear, hatred, inflammatory chatter, and guarded opinions.  I am confident that the “Good News” trumps all of the bad news. I trust in the God who has ETERNITY for Believers in His hand.  

Those of us who truly know God rest in peace because God puts up one and takes down another (so says His word Psalms 75:6-7).  Should we worry at any time regarding anything? No. We should pray like Jesus did that the Body of Christ becomes One.   I will reign with Christ on November 7, 2012 just as I will on November 6, 2012.  This is the victory of Jesus Christ. Victory is not in a man, or a party, or money, or power. Victory is in Christ Jesus!

One thing saints of the 1600’s (Guyon, Fenelon, Molinos, John of the Cross, Theresa of Avila, etc.) understood was that God was sovereign and in control.  They saw and believed that everything in their lives was from the hand of God once they surrendered to Him.  This is the challenge, should not we understand and believe the truth that all things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28)?  When we examine our motives, we should humble ourselves and say, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done."  

I pray for the Body of Christ that we not play right into Satan's plan to divide us.  Let us all be quiet and hear what the Spirit of God is saying.  He is still on His priority which is not how to “harness sin”, but to get Jesus into the hearts of people and let Him free them from their sins.

All unrighteousness is sin.  When we place one sin above the other, this plays right into Satan's plan. Sinners will sin until their hearts are filled with the Sinless One (Jesus).  The Sinless One (Jesus) must be lifted up by His Body (Believers) so that all men can be drawn unto Him and Him alone (John 12:32).

So then what is the plan for this nation and this world?  What does God want us to do?  What is the great commission?
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.
Go make disciples.

Five –Fold Understandings for Spiritual Growth

To live a successful life in Christ Jesus, a Believer must have a biblical understanding of these five main components.  The understanding of these will open a flow of hearing God and serving Him as He desires.

·         God’s Word
 It is the main focus of the life of the Believer.  A Believer must constantly be receiving, speaking, meditating, and digesting God’s word on a daily basis.  This hunger for the Word of God must be motivated by a desire to live for and please Him, Psalms 119:105.   It must not be for gaining knowledge for knowledge’s sake or to teach others.
·         Obedience
Every Believer must become a “Doer” of the Word of God and not a “Hearer” only, James 1:22.  Obedience is the key to living the life of Christ.  Studying, speaking, meditating on the Word of God is the starting point and obeying it brings your life into completion.  Deny your wayward flesh and choose the path that is revealed in scripture.
·         Man’s Flesh
Our flesh is defined as the cravings of the corrupted self-will, self-desire, self-importance, and self-interest.  By an act of our will, we must crucify the flesh and die daily to its corrupted cravings, Romans 8th Chapter.
·         Satan
Every Believer serves God successfully only if they have a revelation of Satan.  Isaiah 14: 12-32 records a historical description of Satan’s fall.  Ezekiel 28th Chapter aligns Satan’s reign and fall with a literal king who once ruled in the earth.  In Luke 10:18, Jesus says of Satan, “I beheld you fall like lightening from heaven”. 
The Bible records Satan as a defeated enemy with no power against the word of God and the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.  Until a Believer understands this fact, much time will be directed at fighting a defeated enemy rather than building a firm foundation on the Word of God.  Satan falls on the sword of the Word of God.  God’s word manifested in your life will overthrow Satan every time it is enforced.
·         Union
Every Believer must understand that “Union” with God is the life and Eternity goal, John 17:21.  Jesus prayed that we would be “One” as He and the Father are “One”.  Union with God for the Believer is a work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer.  Only the Holy Spirit can usher us into “Union” with God.  It is not a work of man or flesh. 

The first four above mentioned components must be in operation before “Union” with God can occur.  We were sent to earth to begin to get to know the One with Whom we will spend Eternity.  As we focus on the Word of God, obedience, crucifying the flesh, putting Satan in his defeated proper place, the Holy Spirit will conform us to the image of Christ and bring us into union with the Father.  AMEN!


“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has freed me from the law of Sin and Death.”
Romans 8:2

How marvelous are the ways of God in everything we see on earth.  God sends revelation though everything that He allows to occur in the earth.  I am always fascinated when I travel by airplane and observe what happens before, during, and after a flight.   This humongous odd shaped piece of metal sits on the tarmac loaded with systems, mechanics, people, luggage, and sometimes only God knows what else is inside.  It just sits there until the pilots begin to interact with its systems and mechanics. 

When the plane is fully loaded with all that it will carry including the people, the door is shut.  The pilots rev up the engines and start the wheels (that later disappear) rolling.  This begins a process called taxiing.  This huge chunk of metal begins moving along a prescribed and designated runway. 

When the plane reaches a designated place and receives clearance, it seemingly stops the humming and bobbing that brought it to this place and starts a new “noise” that sounds as if something else is going to happen.  And something else does happen.  The engines rev up with loud ferocious noises and the previously slow moving wheels start a fierce and fast path down the new runway.  As the noise increases you now feel a motion that you are not responsible for and cannot control.  You are suddenly lifting from earth and rising into the clouds.  What a lift!

All of what I just described is simply my observations of what happens when a plane takes flight.  But far more is taking place within in the plane, outside the plane, on the earth, in the clouds, and in the entire atmosphere.

Here comes God in this scenario!  I would like to compare two natural laws to two spiritual laws.  The natural laws enable a plane to fly and the spiritual laws enable a Christian to live the life of Christ.

The two natural laws are the law of gravity and the aerodynamic law of physics referred to as “lift and drag”.  The spiritual laws are Sin and Death and the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. 

When we deal with the law of gravity we understand that everything that goes up must come down.  This law exists whether or not we believe in it.  If we throw anything up in the air, it will eventually fall to the ground.  This is fixed and exists in the earth’s atmosphere.  I will liken the law of gravity to the law of sin and death referred to in Romans 8th chapter.  Sin and death entered the world when Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden.  Every man since Adam was born under this curse of sin and death.  It is a law in the universe in which we live.  Sin exercises dominion over every one born since Adam.

When we deal with the aerodynamic law of physics referred to as “lift and drag” we understand that this law supersedes the gravity law and allows an airplane to fly.  Jesus Christ came into the earth, died on the cross, and instituted another law that gave liberty to all mankind.  I will liken this natural physics law of aerodynamics to the law instituted by Jesus Christ.  This is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus also referred to in Romans 8th Chapter.

Sin and death was brought into the earth realm by Adam.  Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis Chapter 3).  After this incident, every man born is subject to the law of Sin and Death.  Jesus Christ came to redeem man back to God (Matthew Chapter 2).  Acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord brings a person out from under the law of Sin and Death.  The new law of life for the Believer is the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Romans Chapter 8). 

The law of Sin and Death is in the earth today.  Everyone who does not receive Jesus as Savior and Lord are operating under this law and all of its effects.  Some common manifestations of the law of Sin and Death are: fear, rejection, jealousy, murder, arrogance, deception, lying, oppression, anti-Christ, witchcraft, mental disease, greed, hatred, and perversion.  All of these components are manifested in various degrees in the lives of unbelievers in the world today.  It is the condition of the spirit of a man before he receives Jesus.  Operating under these conditions bring misery, pain, destruction, and ultimately death of spirit, soul, and body.  This law does not prepare anyone to spend eternity with God.

On the other hand, the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus frees us from the bondages imposed upon us by Adam! (Let’s get this plane flying!).  We cannot deny that sin and death principles are in the earth, but there is a HIGHER principle!  It is the freedom from sin and death bondage that Christ purchased on the cross. 

When the airplane sits on the tarmac, gravity (sin and death) reigns, but when aerodynamics (Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus) kicks in gravity is superseded, overridden, blown away, overtaken, and has no effect on a plane that is well equipped to fly!

 What is necessary to live the life of Christ is to first receive Him as Savior and Lord (Romans 10:9-10).  Then begin to get to know Him through saturation of His word in your spirit, soul, and body (2nd Timothy 2:15).  Allow the Holy Spirit to become the Guide, Comforter, and Paraclete (John 14:16) that Jesus said He would send to help you live the God-Life. You are now governed by a new law.  It is the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.  The Sin and Death law must never be allowed to reign in the life of a Believer because a higher law is available upon implementation!

Yes, the power of Satan was defamed by the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  Man no longer has to live under the curse of sin and death.  We now are privileged sons of the Most High God through Jesus Christ (1st John 3:1).  Don’t allow sin and death to govern your life.  Allow Jesus Christ to rule and reign in you with joy, peace, love, gentleness, goodness, temperance, longsuffering, faith, and meekness. 
Let us now roll down the tarmac of life and take off straight into Eternity!

7 Characteristics of Blessed Women
Psalms 1:1-3
Her Companionship
She companies with other godly women.  She reaches out to all, but seeks close companionship with believers.  She seeks God’s plans, purposes, desires, treasures, and goals for her life.

Her Focus
She is not found in the places, with the things, or the people who are not seeking a greater and more intimate walk with God.  Her vision is firmly focused on the plan that God has for her.

Her Conversation
She does not gossip or mock the less fortunate, the more fortunate, and the lost people of the world.  She seeks to redeem them through the godly life example she displays on a daily basis.

Her Delight /Joy
She delights in the word of God.  She reads it, teaches it, lives it, studies it, ponders it, & meditates upon it. She speaks it over all of her life and circumstances and the lives of other people day and night.

Her Commitment/Maturity
She is steadfast and bears godly fruit.  She is firmly rooted in God’s word.  She is not “flaky” and foolish, and fickle.  Her word is her bond and she passes out good and not evil.  She is not a troublemaker.
Her Influence
Her leaf does not wither.  People can count on her to fulfill her promises.  She is influential and when she talks, people listen.  He name is honored by God and men.

Her Prosperity
Everything she puts her hand to prospers because it is blessed, sanctioned, and ordained by God.

The Real Secret

The Real Secret

“Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost parts. “Psalms 51:6 Amplified
“The spirit of man [that factor in human personality which proceeds immediately from God] is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts. “  Proverbs 20:21 Amplified

Why are God’s word, power, and principles hidden from many today?  The answer lies in finding the “Real Secret” to living in the presence of God. 

A “secret” was recently formatted, packaged, and presented to the world as “the power to speak positive things and have them come to pass”.  This is a biblical and spiritual principle that demonstrates power in the natural world. (Mark 11:23).  However, it loses its power to heal a life when it is mixed with selfish desires that operate in lives of those who do not know the Author of Truth.  The truth is that a biblical principle does “work” in the natural world.  However, biblical truths become half-truths and deformed when implemented by those who have no inward connection and relationship with real “Truth” (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

The “Four A’s
Appearance, Accumulations, Access (connections), Ability (notoriety)

The world’s system ties success to external manifestations in appearance, accumulations, access (connections), and ability (notoriety).  I call them the “Four A’s”.  Each of these things in and of themselves is not evil.  However, if they become a “god” in your life, trouble is on the horizon. It is when they become the absolute goal in life that they enter the spiritual danger zone. Those who pursue the attainment of these “Four A’s” to the exclusion of relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit suffer great spiritual loss.   When pursued as a priority, the “Four A’s are in direct opposition to the message of Jesus Christ.  This message is loving God with all your spirit, soul, and body, and your neighbor as yourself.

The goal of the world’s system is to tie every principle of truth to the achievement of the “Four A’s” in life. If a biblical truth works in attaining a selfish goal, use it!  If it can gain more clients for me, exploit it!  If I look good, that is the goal!   These things may work for a while, but the “Whole Truth”, and nothing but the “Truth” eventually finds its way into the life of every human being.  This happens because God loves man and wants every human being to spend Eternity with Him.  God always shows up in the life of a person to draw that person to Him.  He is too often refused.

Now let’s get to the “Real Secret”.  The secret lies in your private life.  It was the private life of the woman spoken of in Proverbs 31 that gained her notoriety with God.  She was recorded as excelling all women of her time (Verse 29).  Imagine that!  Her secret was that she possessed a reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord and was devoted spiritually and naturally to Him.  This is the “Real Secret”. 

Are your inward thoughts saturated with the experience of God’s word being real to you in daily manifestations?  Is your life guided by the Holy Spirit Who knows all Truths for Eternity?  Do you rely on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross for your continual right standing with God?  The “Real Secret” is constant, unbroken fellowship with the One with Whom you will spend Eternity.  Be a possessor of the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord.  Be devoted spiritually and naturally to Him on a daily basis.  Possess the “Real Secret” for Eternity!


Marsha Deveaux Johnson

Galatians Chapter 6
Verse 1 “Brethren if any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also. (Amplified)

2 Corinthians 5:17-18
“Therefore if any person is [in-grafted] in Christ (the Messiah)) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether: the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away.  Behold the fresh and new has come!
But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others in harmony with Him].”

Right Standing
Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior brings man into right standing with God.  The acceptance of Jesus Christ guarantees that we belong to Him.  It is His debt on the cross that paid for this position of right standing with God for us.

Right Fellowship
Right fellowship is based upon deliberate and willful decision-making to do what is right and pleasing in the sight of God.  A breach in practicing righteousness allows the fellowship and communion with God in righteousness to be broken.  This is sin. A restoration process needs to begin. 

The Restoration Process

Acknowledge Sin/ Transgress/ Fault/ Misconduct
Recognize that something wrong has happened on your part with your relationship with God.

This happened between you and God even if others were involved.  Ask God to forgive your sin in the matter.
Seek Restoration from the Spiritual Body of Christ
Seek out ministers who are walking in right standing and right fellowship with God.  Ask God to lead you to those who faithfully execute His will in their lives and can offer counseling and support to the lives of others.

Take Full Responsibility for the Broken Fellowship
 Others may have influenced you but God has given you free will.  This freedom must be understood and appreciated.  Choice always brings consequences.  When you make a decision and take action, consequences (good or bad) follow the action.

We are brought back into harmony with Father by God’s word, our words, and the deeds we practice after we are restored to right fellowship (2 Corinthians 5:18). Amplified

Make a decision to receive forgiveness and reject condemnation (Romans 8th Chapter).  Allow God to heal your hurting heart.  No one can help you like Father.  Walk and allow the wounded place to be a place of victory when the deliverance that God orchestrates takes place.

Setting Boundaries
·         Make a quality decision not to go to a place of broken fellowship with Father. 
·         Draw your line in the sand!  
·         Set your parameters!  
·         Choose people, places, and things in your life that cause you to move closer to God. 
·         Cry out to God! 
·         Ask for His help! 
·         Choose no other gods before Him! 
·         Abandon selfishness! 
·         Lay your life before Him daily and finally “Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for YOU!” (1st Peter 5:7)

Take Off The Limits!

Take Off The Limits!

Marsha Deveaux Johnson

1st Thessalonians 5:23
“And the very God of peace, sanctify you wholly; and I pray your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” KJV

For the Believer these words recorded in scripture are critical in our understanding of who we are and what God can do in and through us.  First of all, we are charged to know that we are spirit (communicator with God), we possess a soul (intellect/mind, will, & emotions), and live in a physical body (flesh, blood, & bones).

When we enter this world through birth, we are sensitized in the area of our soul and body.  Our soul dominates our existence and also governs the actions of the physical body.  Our spirit, which is really who we are lies dormant until something happens to give it life.  This life giving happening for the spirit is recorded in Ephesians 2:1 by Apostle Paul. It is encountering and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 

Here is what takes place when you receive Jesus.  Paul says, “And you hath He quickened (made alive), who were dead in trespasses and sins;  wherein  in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air (Satan), the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.”KJV

When your spirit receives Christ and comes alive, you have finally activated the part of you that allows the thoughts, intents and purposes, of God to flow.  Your spirit can now begin to govern your soul and body.  The challenge is that up until this time the soul has been in power and wants to remain in power. 

The new message is to live out of your spirit that is now activated by God’s word.  The soul must be dethroned.  The spirit (human spirit) with the thoughts, intents, and purposes of God should now govern the soul and body.  This process takes place over time under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

As you continue to walk with God, daily conforming to the image of Christ, your soul through your intellect hears and processes God’s word.  The final resting place in you for this compilation of God’s word is in your spirit (human spirit).  Your spirit is as vast as Eternity and it knows, retains,  and comprehends God’s word. 

Your soul is limited and cannot consciously deliver all that you have learned at any one given time.  Your spirit on the contrary can deliver to you the word of God that is needed for your life circumstance instantly.  

Your spirit is not limited in its comprehension of the power, purpose, plan, and will of the Father for you.  Therefore, the Believer must allow the spirit to govern the soul and the body will follow the soul!

As a Believer I struggled with my desire to please God and walk fully in His presence.   I would agonize over circumstances and choices wondering if I made the “right choices” or “discerned clearly”, or “heard God”, or “pleased Him”.  God is Father, He knows His children and comes to our rescue even when we are not aware that we need to be rescued.  He comes to our soul only in rescue mode (when you are totally exhausted).  He desires to communicate with us Spirit (God) to spirit (human spirit).   

He rescued me so simply by speaking to me.  My paraphrase of what He said is this, “You are trying to wrap your brain around and comprehend Me in your soul and it will never happen.  Your soul is limited.  Your spirit is not.  The mechanism in you for communication with Me is your spirit.  Live out of your spirit.  I am Spirit, communicate with Me Spirit (God) to spirit (human spirit) (John 4:24).

Anyone who does laundry will understand the illustration that God gave to me.  There are washing machines that load from the top of the machine and others that load from the front.  His clear word to me was you cannot load a machine that opens on top from the front. There is no opening in the front to load the clothes.  Duuuhhh!  Your spirit has a purpose and it is to govern the soul and body with the vastness of God, the unlimited power and possibilities of God, the word of God, & the desire for truth.  In short, your spirit reveals to you the vastness of Eternity right here on earth.  Your soul does not have this capacity.

This “living out of your spirit” allows eternal peace to prevail in your life.  It allows eternal joy to prevail in your life regardless of circumstances around you.  It always whispers to you that God is not the “great I could be”, He is the “Great I AM”.  You will discover that you can have His same peace and joy on both sides of Eternity.

A maturing Believer knows that sooner or later the soul operation is inadequate to deal with the vastness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Growth can only occur as you begin to live out of your spirit.  Here are some practical entrances to accomplishing living out of your spirit.   The greatest way of course is to listen to the Holy Spirit in you.

·         Start by daily confessing before Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that you live out of your spirit. 

·         Feed your spirit God’s word.  Use your intellect and will in this process (2nd Timothy 2:15).

·         Speak God’s word, God’s plan, God’s purpose, God’s will or say nothing at all.  You are accountable for your words (Matthew 12:36).

·         Do not fight with negative thought patterns.  This only gives power and attention to the soul.

·         When intruding, negative, godless, self-seeking, thoughts occur in your soul, silence them by deliberately turning to meditate or to say whatever is just, lovely, pure, positive, and of good report (Philippians 4:8).  The good things will arise from your spirit if you use your will.  Make a deliberate decision to meditate, say, and sing God’s word.

·         Make a deliberate turn (use your will) and focus on truth, justice, love, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Start your “gaze” upon these things and the power of the negative in the soul will diminish.

·         Cease to reason, mull, and agonize over your decisions and actions.  Submit them to Father and out of your spirit will come proper responses in all circumstances that you face. Your intellect was given for you to embrace the knowledge needed in life.  However, a successful life is totally dependent upon your Father’s presence, not your intellect.
Take off the limitations of your soul!
Living out of your spirit is the way to experience Eternity right here and
right now!

Why "Hepzibah in Training?"

More than twenty five years ago I stood in a powerful praise and worship service. As I entered into worship weeping in the presence of the King, I heard the voice of Jesus in my spirit. He called me two names. The first name was Hephzibah and the second was Beulah. I was stunned and immediately sat down on the bench to ponder these two names. Neither of these names appeared flattering to me.

I left church and called my sister, a mighty warrior of God, and told her that God had called me two names. Her reply was “If God called me names; I needed to find out what they meant.” I searched scripture and found that the name Hephzibah means, “The Lord delights in her” and that Beulah meant, “Thy land is married (committed, spoken for, etc). Needless to say, I was delighted in the significance of these two names that my Savior has bestowed upon me. My goal and treasure in life is to fulfill the plan for my life on this side of Eternity and to train for the other side of Eternity.

I offer you the revelations, thoughts, and meditations that God imparts to me in this blog “Hepzibah In Training”.

I thank you for your comments.

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