The God of the Dark Cloud

The God of the Dark Cloud

Isaiah 45:6-7, “That men may know that from the east and the rising of the sun and from the west and the setting of the sun that there is no God besides Me.   I am the Lord, and no one else [is He].   I form the light and create darkness, I make peace [national well being] and I create [physical] evil (calamity); I am the Lord, Who does all these things.”

I dreamed that I and three others were on a beach.  We were enjoying all the wonderful pleasures of being in a place created by the Father for earthly enjoyment. We looked in the distant sky and saw a ferocious dark rain, thunder, and lighting cloud on a parallel course with where we were.  We knew that if this cloud proceeded that we were in direct line to be engulfed by it with its life threatening capabilities.  We had no place to go and could not possibly outrun the dark cloud.

 I called to the others and said for us to come together and pray.  In my spirit I knew that we were not at risk because we knew the “God of the Dark Cloud”.  I had assurance deep within that we were safe.  I also knew that if we were taken by this sudden force, we knew exactly where we would go.  We stood in awe as we watched the dark cloud and its destruction pass right by us with no impact on our lives or safety.  There was no fear, no panic, and no drama as the “God of the Dark Cloud” steered it away from His people.  We watched as even the dark cloud changed course to pass right in front of us leaving us unscathed by its force.  We were just as safe on that beach as we would have been anywhere in the universe.  We know the God of the “Dark Cloud” and He is our Father.

When I awakened Father begin to speak to me about Who the “God of the Dark Cloud” is.  Job 12:9-10 says, “Who [is so blind as] not to recognize in all these [that good and evil are promiscuously scattered throughout nature and human life] that it is God’s hand which does it [and God’s way]?  In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.”

Chapter 12 of Job states further in verses 14-17 that, “Behold He tears down, and it cannot be built again; He shuts a man in and none can open.  He withholds the waters and land dries up; He sends forth [rains], and they overwhelm the land and transform it.  With Him are might and wisdom; and the deceiver are His [and in His power].  He leads [great and scheming] counselors away stripped and barefooted and makes judges fools [in human estimation, by overthrowing their plans.]”

The remaining verses of this chapter (Read Job 12:18-23) actuate that God is in control of all the good and evil that we see about us.  This should not be surprising because He is the Creator of everything (Elohim).

When we receive and live for the Lord Jesus Christ His blood covenant is with us.  He becomes the God of our “Dark Clouds”.  This puts us squarely in the best possible position in the world.  That position is in “Christ Jesus”!   Dark clouds are under His authority and the authority of every Believer as we faithfully trust Him.  When we know that He controls and steers every dark cloud, doubt and fear are nailed (to the cross).  We victoriously overcome everything (God’s way)!

God has challenged me to tell His people that He is in the dark cloud.  He is in fact the “God of the Dark Cloud” for the Believer.  This takes away every threat, intimidation, worry, fear, and uncertainty of the cloud that you see or don’t see (hidden from you) in your life. 

Knowing that God is in the dark cloud is called “Faith”.  Faith in Him assures us that if we believe that He is there (and He is) we will see that things are working together for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28). 

Jesus is, “Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come.  And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised through the church}.”(Ephesians 1:21-22)

You are not at risk when you are in Christ Jesus.  Everything is subject to Him.  He is the Lord of the dark cloud for the Believer.  This silences and submits every dark cloud to the will of the Father for your life.  Look your dark cloud firmly in the face and see Jesus.  You have already been delivered!

An Unwrapped Gift

An Unwrapped Gift

Recently I attended a birthday party.  It was time for the person honored to open gifts.  I watched as a person who gave a gift simply walked across the room and handed an unwrapped gift to the person honored.  Later as I was spending time with God, He brought that scene to my mind and began to speak to my heart. His words centered on the gift that was simply placed in another’s hand without wrapping, or a bag, or any attempt to conceal what the gift was.

My thoughts went to how many times does God give us unwrapped gifts and we simply don’t recognize the blessing of the gift?  The wrapping of a gift signals that something is coming your way.  But the unwrapped gift itself is still the main center of attention only without the fanfare.  “God daily loaded us with benefits” (Psalms 68:19).  How many times do we take the benefits for granted because they did not come wrapped prettily or in a fantastic recognizable or reusable gift bag? 

God’s blessings make rich and add no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).  Are we cognizant of the many ways in which He shields and protects and warns and restores us?  Eternity alone will reveal all the many blessings that God gave to us right here on earth.  Lord, open our eyes to all the unwrapped gifts You give. 

Well, I started thinking and began to thank Him for all the unwrapped gifts He gives to me.   He gives all of  us another day to worship Him (Many do not know Him), another day to bless and be blessed by our family and friends (Many have no family or friends), a home (many are homeless), transportation (Many walk everywhere they go), food (Many go to sleep hungry), health (So many are sick), the blessing of having a sound mind, clear godly thinking (Many are locked in wrong thinking and mental disease) and decision-making ability (Many make deaf and dumb decisions over their own lives and the lives of their children), wisdom (Many lack no godly or practical wisdom), children, grandchildren (Many have no natural or spiritual heritage), and the list is endless.

This endless list of “Unwrapped Gifts” is given to us by the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Recognize and thank God for the unwrapped gifts (blessings) that are piled in your life day after day after day.  They are everywhere!

Why "Hepzibah in Training?"

More than twenty five years ago I stood in a powerful praise and worship service. As I entered into worship weeping in the presence of the King, I heard the voice of Jesus in my spirit. He called me two names. The first name was Hephzibah and the second was Beulah. I was stunned and immediately sat down on the bench to ponder these two names. Neither of these names appeared flattering to me.

I left church and called my sister, a mighty warrior of God, and told her that God had called me two names. Her reply was “If God called me names; I needed to find out what they meant.” I searched scripture and found that the name Hephzibah means, “The Lord delights in her” and that Beulah meant, “Thy land is married (committed, spoken for, etc). Needless to say, I was delighted in the significance of these two names that my Savior has bestowed upon me. My goal and treasure in life is to fulfill the plan for my life on this side of Eternity and to train for the other side of Eternity.

I offer you the revelations, thoughts, and meditations that God imparts to me in this blog “Hepzibah In Training”.

I thank you for your comments.
