A Lit Candle Curses the Darkness

Curses the
“The man who keeps My commandments, it is he who loves Me.” John 14:21
“If you are a candle, darkness runs from you.” MDJ
“Candles VS Darkness, not even a fight!” MDJ
 “Generate light, that is what generators do!” MDJ
“Gather candles and light them”.  MDJ
“Be a living Candle” MDJ
“Light Up”! MDJ

When Jesus left this earth, He placed it in the untested hands of His disciples and everyone who would come to believe on Him.  He realized He had given them all they would ever need to get the job of making disciples done (By the way, it is the only job He gave Believers).  On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit arrived, the deal was settled.  Every promise is “yes and amen” (2nd Corinthians 1:20).  From that point on it was, “Take up your cross and follow Me”.

The “follow Me” challenge comes when a Believer realizes that the world he lives in is yet under the curse of Adam (Sin entered through his disobedience in Genesis Chapter 3).  It is this “darkness of sin” that swirls around every day and night of the universe.  So, darkness swirls.  What then is the antidote?  It is simple and so latent and intrinsic that it could go unnoticed.  It, however rises to consciousness because of the severity of the mission Jesus gave of “Go make disciples”. 

It is the redeeming power of Jesus Christ that lives inside every Believer that cries for the light of His love to engulf every human being.  We are the “light of the world”, the “salt of the earth”, “a city set on a hill”, “living epistles” (Matthew 5:14-16, 2nd Corinthians 3:2-3).  If we do what is right in God’s eyes, we dispel darkness by just being alive! 

We consciously and unconsciously send daily messages of Who lives inside of us to the world.  It is the “Light” who is in us that dispels every form and fashion of darkness around us.  The unconscious light we emanate is the quiet and peaceable life (1st Thessalonians 4:11) we live without saying a word.  This light of living under the authority of the Holy Spirit sends messages to all around us. The message is that Someone lives inside Who brings peace to our lives. 

The unconscious light in us challenges people around us to consciously ponder the grace of living we display.  This unconscious light curses the darkness by mere existence.  When Believers come on the scene, chaos dissipates, Jesus emanates, and darkness can find no place.

Then there is the conscious light within us.  This light sets out on a deliberate mission by keeping the commandments of Jesus (loving Him), loving others, interacting positively with others, displaying acts of kindness, being compassionate, giving, and denying self.

The simple fact is that darkness cannot hover when light comes on the scene.  Be a lit candle by the power of the Holy Spirit.  If you are a lit candle, darkness is a non-issue.  If you are engaged in “lighting candles”, you have taken on the Holy Spirit guided mission of Jesus which is “Go make disciples”.

By the way, are you cursing the darkness by “generating” light?
Are you “dispelling” darkness by your quiet, peaceable, and godly lifestyle?
Are you “making disciples”?        

Will You Also Go Away?

Will You Also Go Away?
Read St. John Chapter 6

As the darkness of this world increasingly comes to light, the body of Christ must saturate itself in the teachings of Jesus Christ.  These teachings are written in scripture and written in our hearts when He speaks to us.  We must become not only “hearers”, but “doers” of His word (James 1:22).

As the popularity of Jesus grew when He was here on earth, many people began to follow Him.  The crowds flocked to Him because of the miracles of healing (John 6:2).  He was also feeding them at these teaching events free of charge. If He left an area, they got into boats and followed Him to where He had gone (John 6:23-24).

 Because of the Holy Spirit’s power in Him, he knew the hearts of the people who followed Him (He knows your heart today).  They did not always have good intentions (John 6:26).  At times when Jesus spoke they seemed genuinely interested in His teachings about the God-life (John 6:28).  He spoke to them in parables (earthly situations) so that they could grasp the reality of spiritual truths.  They listened to Him literally because their interests were in the sense realm (see, touch, feel, hear, and taste).  Even though He went so far as to interpret the symbolic meanings of His words, they still missed it or doubted (John 6:41). 

 An example of their misinterpreted focus is revealed in the discourse recorded in John 6:31-40 when He spoke of Himself as the “Bread of Life”.  Some Jews took issue with Him referencing Himself as such.   He was also being questioned about His intimate relationship to the Father.  They wanted to make Him “the son of Joseph” and not “the Son of God” (John 6:42). Although Jesus labored to help them understand who He was and His relationship to the Father, they still doubted (John 6: 43).

This spiritual revelation about the “Bread of Life” and His relationship to God and man “blew up” in John 6:53-58 when Jesus told them “You cannot have life in you except you eat My flesh and drink My blood”.  He spoke these words in a synagogue (John 6:59).  Soon many of the disciples who followed Him left and returned to their old associations (John 6:66).

Jesus was firm in His knowledge and mission and was not troubled the least bit by those who either interpreted it incorrectly, chose not to believe, or chose to walk away.  His message was fixed in eternity and therefore unchangeable (Psalms 119:89).  There was no plan to “compromise the truth” or “go after” those who had left.  He simply did a “fact check” or “reality check” of His most intimate followers (the 12 disciples) that remained with Him. He simply asked them “Will you also go away?” (John 6:67)

The twelve disciples of Jesus did not always get it right, but this time Simon Peter nailed it.  He said “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”

Now the question for the body of Christ today is, “Will we also go away from the forever settled word of God and start perverting it with our “sense” realm interpretations?”  These sense realm interpretations rationalize and bind us to the ungodly and perverted ways of men. 

The reason some of the disciples walked away from Jesus is because they said His teachings were “hard” (John 6:60).  “Soft teachings” of compromise and rationalization justify man but are an abomination to God.  “Soft teachings” lead to death (spiritual and physical).

God is not troubled by the ruthless affairs of men.  He knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).  We (Christ’s body) have a poignant question to answer in these times of darkness before our Lord returns.  “Will we walk away from God’s truth or will we understand that His truth does not change, cannot be rearranged, and does not validate disobedience, compromise, hatred, injustice, and sin?”

Will you also go away?

Prophetic Words to the Body of Christ

Prophetic Words to the Body of Christ
Marsha Deveaux Johnson

On December 30, 2017, I was awakened by the Holy Spirit at 2:00 AM in the morning.  This was not due to an inability to sleep because I am able to sleep and rest.   I began to pray as every Believer does when God summons us into His manifest presence.  During this fellowship I realized that God wanted to speak to me and wanted me to write the message down.  So I did.  I got up and wrote non-stop under the direction of the Holy Spirit six hand written pages of His words to me. 

I humbly share these words with you as a Believer who desires to hear God’s voice.   I have included four personal words (He directed to me) to encourage Believers.  All of the words are His words to me regarding His children (Body of Christ).  If you walk with God, you know His voice.  He speaks whether or not we listen.

 Remember these are the words God spoke to me.  Let the Father speak to you about them.  He communicates His heart to every listening Believer. 

The Word of the Lord to Me:
 “My true prophets have mourned before Me for the injustice, hatred, cruelty, and hypocrisy.  I will reveal, expose, destroy, break, and separate unholy alliances.”

“My prophets have failed to hear Me and loathed at their own desires.”

“Strongholds are being broken and are coming down. Clarity of intent, purpose, and conspiracy are being revealed.”

“Pride has been a stronghold of the body of Christ and opened the door for deception.”

“There will be a ‘cranking up’ or ‘demanding of’ holiness.  The ungodly safe holds of My people will diminish.  There will be no covering for that which I have not ordained.  I will expose the safe holds, the deceivers, and the hirelings in My body who have led My people astray.”

“Unholy alliances will shatter like bombs.”

“I am arising in the youth that have not ‘sold out’ to the evil reckonings of My people.”

“Breakthroughs will come in natural homeopathic remedies for diseases.  Hidden plots to keep people drug dependant will be revealed.”

“An uprising of faith in Me that the world needs to see will come forth and cause boulders that have remained (strongholds) to move out of their (Body of Christ) paths.  This will spawn a depth of trust in Me that the world needs to see.”

“You cried, I heard. You said, ‘Lord how long?’.  I say, ‘The hour is come’. “

“Holiness that has been ‘walked over’ by those who decided they could trust the voice and actions of man will arise and condemn those who stood with men rather than with Me.”

“Receive your calling for I have spoken, I speak to you.  You cannot ‘hide’ because My word is in your mouth.  You sharply examine what you hail to others that I have said because you fear (reverential) My anointing upon your life.  But, speak for I have spoken to you.”

“Nations are going to rise up for Me.”  And those who have profaned My name will fall deeper into sin.”

“My people must stop being religious and hear My voice.”

“Holiness is not a badge, but a lifestyle calling.”

“Denounce associations with manmade institutions that fail to carry my true word of prophecy.”

“My people have ‘smeared’ My name with their stand with unrighteousness.  Repentance must come before My body can be ‘One’.”

“Many of My prophets have spoken out of their ‘pockets’ and not out of My Spirit.  They refuse to take the stand I have ordained and will fall with the stand they have taken.  Look not on their (false prophets) place in the world for I have rejected them.  They will ‘fall’ because they cannot ‘stand’ in My presence. “

“Pride, prejudice, and wrangling exists between and among the five-fold ministry because they have valued one above the others.  Each taunts the superiority of their call above the other calls.  They are all level in My presence and all needed for the perfecting of My body.”

(Johnson Home)
“All who enter your home are on ‘holy ground’ and subject to My presence and anointing that I have poured out there. It is My wish, My choosing who enters your home.  Many desire to come and cannot because I have not so ordained.”

There will be:
“Spontaneous Healings”
“Powerful words of knowledge delivered”
“Earth shattering words of wisdom delivered”
“Catastrophes overwhelming to man seen”
“Meditate, saturate, and mature in My word for it reveals My plan.”

“Leaking of shameful words of condemnation spoken in secret will be brought forth for all to hear which cannot be denied.”

“Embrace and do not fear your calling for I have ordained your life to glorify Me.”
“You will have the friends I have ordained.  I guard your life and shield you.”

“There is an end to suffering.”

Why "Hepzibah in Training?"

More than twenty five years ago I stood in a powerful praise and worship service. As I entered into worship weeping in the presence of the King, I heard the voice of Jesus in my spirit. He called me two names. The first name was Hephzibah and the second was Beulah. I was stunned and immediately sat down on the bench to ponder these two names. Neither of these names appeared flattering to me.

I left church and called my sister, a mighty warrior of God, and told her that God had called me two names. Her reply was “If God called me names; I needed to find out what they meant.” I searched scripture and found that the name Hephzibah means, “The Lord delights in her” and that Beulah meant, “Thy land is married (committed, spoken for, etc). Needless to say, I was delighted in the significance of these two names that my Savior has bestowed upon me. My goal and treasure in life is to fulfill the plan for my life on this side of Eternity and to train for the other side of Eternity.

I offer you the revelations, thoughts, and meditations that God imparts to me in this blog “Hepzibah In Training”.

I thank you for your comments.
