Who Do You Say That I AM?


Who Do You Say That I AM?

Matthew 16:15

Marsha Deveaux Johnson


A Method of Prayer

Prayer is not boring.  It is sacred, revelatory, and brings you to the face of Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Prayer unearths all of the wretchedness of the flesh and sets you on a path of surrender to the Trinity.  It is incumbent upon all children of God to explore all aspects of prayer that will bring us into God’s presence.


Most people who do not have name notoriety (famous) are known for what they do. People who dress well are referred to as a “Dresser”.  If a person shares their wealth and talents with others they are called “Givers”.  It is commonplace to identify people with the profile they project to others as they live.  Jesus asked of His disciples who did men say He was?  He subsequently required of His own disciple family to let Him know what they thought of Him.  It is with this vein of thought that I share with you a wonderful revelation given me by Father that will enhance your prayer life.  


There is a country-western song whose lyrics say, “What do you think of when you think of me?” This is a simple question.  It is also a question that every Believer must answer for Who Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is to them.  For some time now I have been focusing my prayer life on Who God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are to me. In so doing I have used the acronym as a tool.  An acronym takes each letter of a word and unites words together for memory. God allowed me to create “Acro-Hims”.   An Acro-Him takes the first letter of a sacred word and attaches to it  the attributes of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



The word Jesus

Justice, Everlasting, Shield, Unfailing Love, Salvation


It was out of my search for the attributes of the Trinity that God revealed to me a new way of studying and praying scripture.  I began to look in each verse of scripture that I read for an identifier of Who Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are to me.  To my surprise scripture is more densely packed with Who Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is than I ever realized.  As I now read scripture, I realize that God is revealing to me just Who He is.  So much richer are my prayers as I constantly remind God of “Who” He is,” Why” He is, “How” He is, “When” He is, and “What” He is to me.


Example: Psalms 91:2

“I will say of the lord which is my refuge and fortress, my God in Him will trust.”


In this verse alone is the character and position of Who God is to us.  He is our refuge, our fortress, our God, and the One that we can trust.   This verse sparks a prayer to pray  like this. 


“Father, I know that you are my refuge and I can go to You any time to guide, protect, and  shield me etc.  I know that you are my fortress because I am covered from all the destructive things in life. Your power is vast and encompassing over all the universe etc.  You are my God, the One true God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Great I Am, Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, etc. Lord You are the only One I can trust.  My trust  is in You, etc.”


What an exciting way to approach prayer and meditation.  The character,  faithfulness, and face of God begins to lift from the pages of His word as revelation knowledge of Him flows.  Pick any verse of scripture and look for and circle the attributes of Father , Son, and Holy Spirit and pray that scripture as I gave the example above.


Begin finding every word in scripture that identifies God, His attributes, who He is and what He does for us. An explosion will happen in your prayer life.  You will be tremendously Blessed!


I recently took the letter S to find words identifying Who Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are to me.  Every time I heard a word from God identifying Who He is to me, another one would soon follow.  As I prayed these revealed prayer words about three hours passed. Take a look at all the S words I prayed as  they were revealed to me.



Source, Salvation, Surety, Shield, Savior, Secret, ShowER, Sweetheart (Song of Solomon 1:2), Sanctifier, Settler, Sentence, Satchel, Set-Up, Sustenance, Sustainer,  Sweetener, Shelter, Sickness Chaser, Security, Satisfier,  Solace, Solidifier, Saver, Singer (Zechariah 3:17),  Seer, Solicitor, Searcher (Psalms 139:23), Silencer (28 Total)


I have shared a method of prayer that I guarantee will enhance your prayer life. Tell I AM who He is to you in prayer!


Spiritual Forces


Spiritual Forces

Marsha Deveaux Johnson

Living Joy Ministries INC


The blessing of walking with God is that He speaks to His people.  Recently I was awakened by Father and heard His voice concerning His people’s awareness of spiritual forces governing the United States of America.  Many of God’s people consistently live as supernatural beings in a natural world.  This means they live out of their human spirit which is in sync with the word and the power of God.  Too many others of His people live  as natural beings in a supernatural world.  This means they live out of their soul (mind, will, and emotions).  There is a difference.  The believer living out of his spirit deals with the spiritual realm as God dictates.  The believer living out  of his soul is governed by his mind, will, and emotions whether they are or are not renewed by God’s word.


God is Elohim (Creator), He is El Elyon (God Most High).   He is Olam (Everlasting).  God is the Total Universe, Everything, All in All.  He is the Great I Am, Savior, Lord, and is constantly and consistently defined and revealed in His Holy Word, the Bible.  God created a being (Satan) who fell from grace (Isaiah 14: 12-16, Ezekiel  Chapter 28) and set in motion a plan to deceive man, God’s creation.   This plan is simple.  It is deception.  It is carried out by the use of spiritual ruler demons (* fallen spirits  operating in the supernatural realm) and their manifestations.  These demons manifest in humans when human beings yield themselves to Satan.  Satan is as a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour (1st  Peter 5:8).  He uses spiritual forces to deceive. 


God spoke to me about two major spiritual forces that are principalities over the United States of America.  They are the *spirit of haughtiness (pride) and the spirit of whoredoms and error (religion).  These ruler demons have joined forces together to tear apart the plan for redemption of souls in America.  Demonic spirits manifest in spiritual pros and cons.  The pro manifestation is the obvious face value of the spirit in dominant operation.  The con manifestation is the reaction to living under the domination  of this spirit. 


*Spirit of  Haughtiness (Pride)

Biblical example

Pro Manifestations:  judging, intimidation, bullheadedness, ego, prejudice, truth rejecting, superiority, self-righteous etc.


Con Manifestations:   Submitting to the demands and manifestations of this spirit. poor judgment, being intimidated, whining, victimization, lying, inferior submission, etc.



Proverbs 16: 18

“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”


Daniel Chapter 4

King Nebuchadnezzar relished in his haughtiness, arrogance, and self-aggrandizement until God gave him a troubling dream that his associates could not interpret,  He sent for Daniel, servant of the Lord to interpret his dream.  The interpretation resulted in his being told of God’s displeasure with his haughtiness and His plan of humiliation for him.   It was twelve months later that the prophecy came to pass.  Haughtiness (Pride) was the ruler demon manifesting in Nebuchadnezzar.  The pro manifestations were arrogance, pride, self-righteousness, etc.  The con manifestations showed up when he was smitten by God and ate grass like the beast of the field. He was subject to degradation brought on by this spiritual force (pride).


We see this spirit on display every day in the United States of America.  There is so much manifesting of pride in the cloak of hatred, racism, power seeking/grabbing,  name calling, constant lying, and  blaspheming of the true and living God.  This spiritual force has the reward of being dethroned by God Himself after His longsuffering kindness is extended. Spiritual forces are always dethroned by God when His people take the authority that they have been given by Jesus Christ. 


**Spirit of Whoredoms(Error)

Biblical Example  

Pro Manifestations:    False religions, mind control, cults, religious science

Con Manifestations:   Enslavement, fanatism, willful blindness


Hosea 4:12

“My people ask counsel at their stocks and their staff declareth unto them:  for the spirit of whoredoms  has caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring  from under their God.” KJV


1 John 4:6

“We are of God:  he that knoweth God heareth us:  he that is not of God heareth not us.  Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.” KJV


Matthew Chapter 23

The Scribes and Pharisees were the religious people of the day when Jesus was here on earth. They had a form of godliness (2nd  Timothy 3:5) but did not manifest the teachings of Jesus Christ.  The governing spiritual force (Spirit of Whoredoms) prevailed with this group.  They had the truth of God but they traded it for religious practices.  This spiritual force targets those who proclaim truth, but do not walk in it.  This spirit offers a form of godliness but no follow through of manifested truth and righteousness in lifestyle.  Other means are used to “accomplish” righteousness or a form thereof.  Jesus condemned this group as hypocrites, making fictitious prayers, blind guides, fools, omitting judgement, mercy, and faith, outwardly clean and inwardly corrupt.


Unfortunately, the world lumps religious people with the genuine follower of Jesus Christ.  This is a serious misjudgment.  Religious people have a form of godliness, but no real ties to the relationship with Jesus Christ that true believers experience.  Religious people demand compliance to dogma by any means necessary.  While true believers rely on God’s word and His love to get the job done for God.  


True believers know and understand that only God changes hearts.  True believers know their job is to bring others to Jesus and allow Him to change lives through the power of His word. Religious people want to change others through laws and practices. Changed hearts can only be accomplished by God’s grace and transforming power.  We  see today in the “religious world” alliances have taken place with ungodly people (political and social) who promised God’s will through laws of the land.  These ungodly soul ties by religious people to  political and social entities have led them into the spirit of error. It is over this country. It is over this nation.


The answer for this is for the body of Christ to bind and cast down these two spiritual forces that are plaguing our nation.  Repentance of alignment with ungodly spiritual forces is needed for individuals to come to a resolute with God.  God will show this nation that He “made of one blood all nations to dwell upon the face of the earth” (Acts 17:25-26).  This was a direct word of the Lord to me recently.  He will prevail over His Church, His Body, and His Eternal Purpose, who is man.   


Again, repentance is necessary for all who aligned themselves with the spiritual forces that  have governed and plagued the United States of America.  Seek God’s will in prayer for our nation.


*Spirit of Haughtiness


Proverbs 16: 18

“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”



Criticism                                  Judging

Fault-Finding                           Prejudice

Finger-Pointing                        Unreasonableness


Arguing                                    Headstrong

Bullheadedness                        Intimidation

Derision                                   Scheming



Mind Idolatry

Excuses                                   Pride

Eagle                                       Rationalism

Intellectualism                         Rejecting truth


Arrogance                                Self-Assertiveness

Conceit                                    Self-Centeredness

Cynicism                                  Self-Exultation

Despise                                    Selfishness

Ego                                          Self-Justification

Egotism                                   Self-Reliance

Externalism                             Self-Righteousness

Forwardness                            Self Sufficiency

Gloating                                   Spirit of The Pharisees

Haughtiness                             Superiority

Judging                                    Vanity

Importance                              Self-Contentedness


Pride of Life


Anger                                       Demanding

Cautiousness                           Ego

Criticism                                  Frustration

Intolerance                              Judgement

Irritability                                Vanity



**Spirit of Whoredoms and Error

(Prostitution, Falsehood )


Hosea 4:12

“My people ask counsel at their stocks and their staff declareth unto them:  for the spirit of whoredoms  has caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring  from under their God.” KJV

1 John 4:6

“We are of God:  he that knoweth God heareth us:  he that is not of God heareth not us.  Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.” KJV


Mind Control

Biofeedback                                                                                        Manipulation

Domination                                                                                         Mind Programming

Dynamics                                                                                            Mind sciences

Enslavement                                                                                       Psych cybernetics

E.S.T.                                                                                                   Rock Music

Erhard Seminars                                                                                 Silva mind control

Idolatry of rock                                                                                   Unteachableness

Martial Arts/ Eastern Mysticism

Buddhism                                                                                           Reincarnation

Chi                                                                                                       Tae Kwon Do

Chanting                                                                                              Transcendental          

Karate                                                                                                 Kung Fu


Cults/False Religions


Animism                                                                                                Bahaism

Akikado                                                                                                Buddhism

Amstrongism                                                                                        Catistrophism 

Arthur Ford                                                                                          Catholicism

Spiritualist                                                                                              Charles Manson

Church of Religious                                                                                K.K. K.

Science                                                                                                  Latihan

Christian Science                                                                                    Lifespring

Christrodelphianism                                                                               Manifested Sons of

Confucianism                                                                                          God

Divine Life Mission                                                                                 Masonic Order

Dream Books                                                                                          Mind Science

Edgar Cayce                                                                                            Sun Myung Moon

Hare Krishna                                                                                            Lodges, societies and

Morning Tap on the Shoulder


Morning Tap on the Shoulder

Marsha Deveaux Johnson, 4/01/2023

Living Joy Ministries INC

Litigate::  To bring a law suit or contest (come against) one


I have in the immediate and the distant past been tested as all who serve God will be.  I have always been vindicated by my Savior and God in every trial or situation I have experienced.  My most recent encounter was no exception because God was true to His word in bringing me out  as “more than a conqueror” (Romans 8:37).   However, as Father would have it in the lives of His children, I had to learn a lesson (Did I say one lesson? Maybe two or three…maybe more). 


I went through my trial.  I received miraculous intervention by Father God, but somehow, I kept talking about it as if I narrowly escaped tragedy. I rejoiced about God being faithful in watching over His word to perform it in my life (Jeremiah 1:12).  I gave Him glory in my testimony of favor and deliverance, but somehow the “sigh” I breathed after victory was too hearty.  It was as if I was surprised at the faithfulness of God.  Do I really understand the magnitude of Him, His word’s power in my life, and even what I mean to Him?


Then came the infamous tap on my shoulder by Father God.  He said, ”Because I care for you and see what is known and unknown to you in your life, you can trust Me.  There are no times in your life or circumstances that I am not fully in control, just trust Me. When you speak of your victory, don’t speak as if during your trial that you were at some point at risk.  Just trust My word. When you trust Me wholeheartedly, your life is sealed in  my care.  You are never vulnerable, at risk, short changed, diminished, lost, alone, abandoned, misused, or rejected by Me.  I love you.   I died for you. Your life is hidden in Me  (Colossians 3:3).


A mother cares for her baby by preparing a bottle with nutrition at the right time and with the right temperature.  The mother places the bottle in the baby’s mouth and all the baby has to do is suck or take in the nutrition.  So, as I (God) breathe My breath of life into your life, ministry, and circumstances, just receive what I give you and live (John 3:27)!“


I repented before God for my lack of trust in Him for the unknowns and  knowns of my life.  When we talk and talk and talk, we are litigating, picking apart, and contesting God’s word in our lives and circumstances. I now  understand the importance of  not litigating (contesting) the word of God.  Just listen, do, and trust no matter what you see or do not see.  Do not lean to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Why "Hepzibah in Training?"

More than twenty five years ago I stood in a powerful praise and worship service. As I entered into worship weeping in the presence of the King, I heard the voice of Jesus in my spirit. He called me two names. The first name was Hephzibah and the second was Beulah. I was stunned and immediately sat down on the bench to ponder these two names. Neither of these names appeared flattering to me.

I left church and called my sister, a mighty warrior of God, and told her that God had called me two names. Her reply was “If God called me names; I needed to find out what they meant.” I searched scripture and found that the name Hephzibah means, “The Lord delights in her” and that Beulah meant, “Thy land is married (committed, spoken for, etc). Needless to say, I was delighted in the significance of these two names that my Savior has bestowed upon me. My goal and treasure in life is to fulfill the plan for my life on this side of Eternity and to train for the other side of Eternity.

I offer you the revelations, thoughts, and meditations that God imparts to me in this blog “Hepzibah In Training”.

I thank you for your comments.
