Who Do You Say That I
Matthew 16:15
Marsha Deveaux Johnson
A Method of Prayer
Prayer is not boring.
It is sacred, revelatory, and brings you to the face of Father God,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Prayer
unearths all of the wretchedness of the flesh and sets you on a path of
surrender to the Trinity. It is incumbent
upon all children of God to explore all aspects of prayer that will bring us
into God’s presence.
Most people who do not have name notoriety (famous) are
known for what they do. People who dress well are referred to as a
“Dresser”. If a person shares their wealth
and talents with others they are called “Givers”. It is commonplace to identify people with the
profile they project to others as they live.
Jesus asked of His disciples who did men say He was? He subsequently required of His own disciple
family to let Him know what they thought of Him. It is with this vein of thought that I share
with you a wonderful revelation given me by Father that will enhance your
prayer life.
There is a country-western song whose lyrics say, “What
do you think of when you think of me?” This is a simple question. It is also a question that every Believer
must answer for Who Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is to them. For some time now I have been focusing my
prayer life on Who God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are to me. In so
doing I have used the acronym as a tool. An
acronym takes each letter of a word and unites words together for memory. God allowed me to create “Acro-Hims”.
An Acro-Him takes the first letter of a sacred
word and attaches to it the attributes
of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The word Jesus
Justice, Everlasting,
Shield, Unfailing
Love, Salvation
was out of my search for the attributes of the Trinity that God revealed to me
a new way of studying and praying scripture.
I began to look in each verse of scripture that I read for an identifier
of Who Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are to me.
To my surprise scripture is more densely packed with Who Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit is than I ever realized.
As I now read scripture, I realize that God is revealing to me just Who
He is. So much richer are my prayers as
I constantly remind God of “Who” He is,” Why” He is, “How” He is, “When” He is,
and “What” He is to me.
Psalms 91:2
will say of the lord which is my refuge and fortress, my God
in Him will trust.”
this verse alone is the character and position of Who God is to us. He is our refuge, our fortress,
our God, and the One that we can trust. This verse sparks a prayer to pray like this.
I know that you are my refuge and I can go to You any time to guide, protect,
and shield me etc. I know that you are my fortress because I am
covered from all the destructive things in life. Your power is vast and
encompassing over all the universe etc. You
are my God, the One true God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Great I Am,
Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, etc. Lord You are the only One I can
trust. My trust is in You, etc.”
an exciting way to approach prayer and meditation. The character, faithfulness, and face of God begins to lift
from the pages of His word as revelation knowledge of Him flows. Pick any verse of scripture and look for and
circle the attributes of Father , Son, and Holy Spirit and pray that scripture
as I gave the example above.
finding every word in scripture that identifies God, His attributes, who He is
and what He does for us. An explosion will happen in your prayer life. You will be tremendously Blessed!
recently took the letter S to find words identifying Who Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit are to me. Every time I
heard a word from God identifying Who He is to me, another one would soon
follow. As I prayed these revealed
prayer words about three hours passed. Take a look at all the S words I
prayed as they were revealed to me.
Salvation, Surety, Shield, Savior, Secret, ShowER, Sweetheart (Song of Solomon
1:2), Sanctifier, Settler, Sentence, Satchel, Set-Up, Sustenance, Sustainer, Sweetener, Shelter, Sickness Chaser, Security,
Satisfier, Solace, Solidifier, Saver,
Singer (Zechariah 3:17), Seer,
Solicitor, Searcher (Psalms 139:23), Silencer (28 Total)
have shared a method of prayer that I guarantee will enhance your prayer life.
Tell I AM who He is to you in prayer!