One day as I was
running an errand, a
service truck turned
in front of me as
I was driving.
It had some kind of rig on the back of it that resembled a huge cross. It was also brown in color. I felt deep inside of me that a resurrection message was stirring as Easter was a week away. As I stared at the cross it became crystal clear in my spirit just how long Jesus spent on the cross for us before He surrendered His Spirit to God. His willingness to linger there proved His tremendous love for us. Here is how long I believed He hung there for us.
He stayed there until:
Every Issue
Was Settled,
Every Problem
Was Fixed,
Every Habit
Was Broken,
Every Mystery
Was Solved,
Every Relationship
Was Mended,
Every Broken Heart
Was Healed,
Every Fear Was
Replaced With Faith,
Every Tear
Was Wiped Away,
and most of all until
Every Sin
Was Forgiven!
Marsha Deveaux Johnson, (2009)
May every need in your life be met by the One who stayed on the cross for you until everything was finished!
Blessed Easter!
From The Cross
Marsha D. Johnson
Inasmuch as Jesus Christ suffered on the cross,
Believers must understand that we will also walk
The same paths & experience trials as Jesus did.
Surrender, Prayer, Watching,
Disappointment, Betrayal
(Matthew 26-36-46)
Loneliness, Suffering
1st Peter 4: 12-16
Isaiah 53: 3
Death, John 19:30
Mark 15:37
Matthew 28:1-9
1st Corinthians
Luke 10:18-19
Eternal Life!
Mark 10:29-30
May all the
Lessons of the
Cross serve to
Draw you closer
To the Lord
Who loves you
And died to
Make you
One with Him!
Happy Resurrection
Marsha Deveaux Johnson
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