The Gospel According To
in 2005)
God delivers His Word in scripture through prophets, apostles,
teachers, and other dedicated men and women.
The books of the Bible were usually addressed by the name of the
individual who wrote the book. Today as
we continue to pursue God’s eternal purpose, we are still blessed by the
ministry of the Word of God through His contemporary prophets, apostles,
pastors, evangelists, and teachers.
Sometimes these men and women are the most unlikely and are found in
obscure places in life.
I recently had been praying for two days, asking the Holy Spirit to
help me release, roll and repose every care of my life upon the Lord. It sounds so easy and yet as I released
everything to the Father, I would later find myself dealing with the care of
situations front and center again and again (Can I get a witness?). I soon sat in an accountability group of
ministers that meet weekly to study and hear God’s voice. I asked this group to join me in agreement
that my prayer would soon become day to day reality. I wanted to enter the “Sabbath Rest” that is
promised by God. One of the ministers
began to pray and as soon as she did God began to speak to me in my spirit. He
said, “Take you cues from Natasha”.
Natasha is my granddaughter who was seven at that time. (She is seventeen now.)
God was about to deliver to me the gospel according to her! He pointed out to me our relationship of
closeness and how it manifests when she comes to my house. At the door, she greets and kisses me and
proceeds to wrap her arms around me. We
can do that to Jesus by entering into His presence with worship and
adoration. We can literally wrap
ourselves around Him in worship and will thus be drawn closer in
God also said that Natasha’s expectations are high because she has been
to my house before and is always blessed with good things that she likes and
positive experiences and attention. Our
expectations of God must be good, for He is a good God. We are drawn closer when we expect God to
perform His Word. It is called FAITH.
Natasha has this practice that started when she was a toddler and has
continued. She goes to my bedroom,
chooses a pair of my shoes and walks around in them while she is at my
house. How this spoke to me! God expects us to walk in the shoes and
footsteps where Jesus walked right here on earth. He was our perfect example. We should not
create our own footsteps. When we do what He did here on earth, we will have
the same relationship that He had with the Father. There can be no question of trust if we walk
in the shoes of the Living Word, Who is Jesus Christ.
Natasha always asks about helping me as I am preparing a meal, she
seeks ways in which she can help me accomplish tasks that I am doing. This is how we must draw near to God, with a
heart to seek to accomplish His plan, His purpose, and His will.
Finally, Natasha has this practice and her grandmother is spared this
one, but Granddaddy participates. If he
is stretched out in an easy chair, she jumps in it with him and throws her full
body weight on him! This is so
delightful to her.
When was the last time you cast the whole of yourself upon the Lord,
knowing fully that He is able to bear you up regardless of the
circumstances? Do you cast the full
weight of your care in delight upon Him?
Do you carry yourself and your care?
I was humbly ministered to and given the gospel according to my sweet
young granddaughter, Natasha.
“…Allow the children to come to
Me, and do not forbid or restrain them, for of such as these is the kingdom of
heaven composed.” (Matthew 19:14)
P. S.
The corporate
anointing of prayer from other believers for my need brought about the release
of the knowledge God wanted to place in my spirit. I am casting the full body weight of my cares
upon the Lord. It gets easier every day!
Summary of the Gospel According to Natasha
yourself around Jesus in worship. Worship frees your mind.
the good things from His Word to manifest in your life.
in the footsteps of Jesus, read the gospels, see what Jesus did and do what He
did. Cultivate the relationship with
Father God that Jesus has. Do not order your
own footsteps.
available to God for His purpose (Not only in word, but in deed).
the full body weight of your cares upon the Lord in delight knowing everything
will be alright through faith and trust and love.
Dr. Marsha Deveaux
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