With Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (God-head)
God has His ordained way
of bringing His will to pass. My prayers
for years have been for the body of Christ to enter into the oneness that Jesus
prayed for in John 17:21, “That they all may be one; as thou Father art in Me,
that they also be one in Us, that the world may believe that Thou hath sent
Me.”(KJV) Little did I know that God
needed me to understand this prayer Jesus prayed and how it would be
My thoughts had always
been that everyone naming the name of Jesus had to come together in unity in
thoughts, deeds, and actions (Thank God I now know better). God’s word is infallible, irrefutable, and
irrevocable. Our understanding of His
word lies in the revelation of it to our spirit, soul, and body. This revelation of His word comes as we read,
meditate, be obedient, and live out His word in our lives daily.
During the increased time
of sheltering in my home, I have been on a path of increased reading, studying,
and writing God’s word. This always
leads to revelation pouring out of His word like sparks from a hot wood
fire. He began to speak to me about the
word concerning the oneness of the body of Christ.
The first clarity came
when I had to understand just who God said could be “One”. God clearly made a distinction to me between
the “organized church” and the “body of Christ”. They are not one in the same. This fact alone brings scripture
illumination. Jesus said in a parable
about the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13:30, “Let both grow together until
the harvest: and in the time of harvest
I will say to the reapers. Gather together first the tares and bind them in
bundles to burn them: but gather the
wheat into my barn.” (KJV) The organized church has wheat and tares all lumped
together. We are not charged with the
separation of them nor to be at one with them.
The body of Christ consists only of wheat. Wheat that must exist with tares while the
Lord of the Harvest tarries.
Furthermore, God says in
His word in Matthew 7:21-23, “Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven. Many will say to Me
in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name
have cast out devils? and in thy name
done many wonderful works? And then will
I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.” (KJV)
Never means never, no oneness, no union, no total alignment with the God-head.
So, then we often see
tares that are doing great “works” in the name of Jesus, and Jesus does not
know them. Their charade looks like, acts
like, and proclaims to be wheat, but they are tares that cannot be one with
Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
By the way tares distort
God’s word, use it to promote dissention, factions, and hatred among brethren.
Tares cannot exhibit true love to others (races, sinners, social classes, etc.).
They see these groups as threats to the
Kingdom as opposed to potential sons and daughters of the Kingdom. Tares are mean, callous, and hateful toward
God’s creation all in the name of Jesus.
They have an agenda to cleanse the world and not change the world
through the love of Jesus Christ. Tares cause Christianity to be viewed as Satan
desires it to be viewed, divisive, racist, and elite. “Jesus came to save sinners of whom I am
chief” are the words of Apostle Paul who was changed from a tare to wheat. ( ) The body of Christ (wheat) can never be one
with the tares. Are you a wheat or a
tare? God knows who you are. He forgives and restores.
Let me now tell you who
enters into the oneness with the God-head. John 14:23 says, “Jesus answered and said unto
to him, if a man loves Me, he will keep my words: and My Father will love him and make our
abode with him.” (KJV) The oneness that Jesus spoke of is when each of us who
receives Him obeys His words and the Father comes to make His abode in us. It is at this time that the prayer of Jesus
for us to become One (with Him, the Father, and the Holy Spirit) gets answered.
This scripture has been
clear all the time. I thank God for
bringing my understanding to this word. I do not need to seek alignment with
the organized doctrines, attitudes, and practices that do not represent the
heart of God. Tares are not going to
enter into God’s kingdom. God says
so. When we are One with Jesus, God the
Father, and the Holy Spirit, we have entered into where God would have us to
be. God’s word says in Ephesians 4:13,
“Till we all come in the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.”
(KJV) The perfection is not in the organized church but in the body of Christ.
me make three basic distinctions between the body of Christ and the organized
church. There are others, however these
categories are basic and understandable as we watch the current situations play
out in the earth. When you review this,
you will see why the church world is all over the map with practices,
doctrines, teachings, priorities, and more.
It is only the body of Christ who is hearing what the Spirit of God is
saying to the church and the world. Be
found in the body of Christ!
of Christ Organized
Wheat Only Wheat
and Tares
(Matthew 13:30) (Matthew
Entered into Oneness with Not
all entered into
God, Jesus, and Holy
Spirit Oneness
with God, Jesus, and
Union, Total Alignment, (John
17:21) Holy
Spirit, different factions exist
Sees God’s word as final
authority, Seeks
power from status, politics,
deliverance, and
instruction for daily living worldly
connections, man’s favor,
Trusts God for all
outcomes and money (2nd
Timothy 2:4).
Manipulates God’s word for
Make no mistake about this.
Tares will be judged and handled by the Lord of the Harvest. Abide as
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