Have A Seat


Have a Seat

Marsha Deveaux Johnson

Living Joy Ministries, Inc.



God speaks to His people in many different ways.  As I have listened to His voice in my life, I have experienced dreams and visions that have amplified the truth of His written Word.  One such dream I experienced years ago.  I share it now (and often) because God never ceases to reveal Himself to me with more revelation from the dream as I journey in this life with Him.  He revisits and builds revelation upon revelation as we are ready to walk in it.



I found myself standing before a great wall that had a large window.  I saw Satan himself in the window with ferocious rage and hatred aimed at me.   I was so frightened that I began to shake with fear.  In the dream Father God spoke to me and said “Go behind the wall.”  In fear I began to go behind this wall only because I understood that My Creator (Elohim) had spoken to me.  When I got behind the wall, I saw Satan himself again, but he was a “monkey like” creature graveling on the ground and running away from me. 


This was God’s revelation to me of the place Satan has and should have in my life and the lives of Believers.  He has not been given any authority (Luke 10:19).  But here is the phenomenon.  In the dream, Satan ran to another wall a distance away where a group of Christians stood in fear. He was demonstrating himself with hatred toward them in the window of the wall.   


Having just encountered his rage and hatred, I said in the dream, “All they have to do is go behind the wall.”  They too would see the man of sin for who he is:  fallen, cut down and unable to rise against them (Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28).


Behind the wall is the place where every Believer knows the truth of God’s Word that Satan is a defeated foe (Isaiah 14:12-19, Ezekiel Chapter 28).


As the years have gone by, God has not ceased to speak to me from this dream.  As I grew in my relationship with Father, He one day said to me “Live behind the wall”.  This means live with the full knowledge that Satan is defeated in every aspect of my life.


Another time, God revisited the dream by showing me in a vision that the “monkey-like” creature that ran away had diminished to a grasshopper, and then to an ant.  All of these rhema (God-inspired word) encounters further reveal the inability of Satan’s power against the people of God. Another encounter (dream) showed a pack of vicious dogs on attack which receded as I called on the name of Jesus. They disappeared.  This represented the attack of Satan to unseat me (And all Believers) from the heavenly place that God Himself ordains for us.


Recently God has dealt with me regarding this dream again.  He pointed out to me something that I needed to see.  His revelation to His saints never ceases.  He revealed to me that once He had spoken to me and I, in obedience had heard and done what He said, I entered into a different place spiritually.  Obedience to God and His Word has its spiritual rewards.  God can trust you to hear His voice and be obedient to it.  This also brings peace and rest to the life of a Believer.  You are in a place where you cannot return to the insecurity of intimidation by Satan.  This place is only attained by feeding consistently on God’s Word and being  obedient to it. Only the Holy Spirt can take you there and keep you there.


I could now realize the full impact of the scripture that says, “And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6).  The purpose of revelation and grace is to allow us to  sit  in heavenly places and not stand in places of intimidation by the Devil.  In the dream I had stood looking at the intimidation of Satan, but when I went behind the wall I became seated in heavenly places in the revelation of being in Christ.   Are you seated in Him or are you standing fearing the wrath of the enemy?  Once you become seated in Christ Jesus, you must not return to standing in fear in the face of trials, temptations, or any adversity.  Remain seated in Him. 


What does seated mean?  

·         It means that you see Satan fleeing from you (James 4:7).

You never return to the place (Viewing Satan in the window of the wall) where Satan intimidates by lies (Deception), accusation, temptation, and  discouragement.


·         It means that all the promises of God are yes and amen (2nd Corinthians 1:20). 

You meditate and feed upon God’s Word until it manifests itself in your life.


·         It means that Satan, sin, sickness, and poverty have no dominion over you because you are redeemed from the curse (1st Peter 1:18).

You constantly confess God’s Word over your life.


·         It means God Himself through the blood of His Son Jesus has made you to live, move, and have your very existence in Him (Acts 17:28).

You allow Christ to live out His life through you.  You are in Him and He is in you.  You cannot be taken out of Him and He cannot be taken out of you.


·         It means your spirit, soul, and body are in total alignment with God and His Word (1st Thessalonians 5:23).

Your human spirit (God conscious) governs your soul (self-conscious) and your soul governs your body (world conscious).  When these three are in total alignment with God’s Word you are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

 Now, Have a seat!

Why "Hepzibah in Training?"

More than twenty five years ago I stood in a powerful praise and worship service. As I entered into worship weeping in the presence of the King, I heard the voice of Jesus in my spirit. He called me two names. The first name was Hephzibah and the second was Beulah. I was stunned and immediately sat down on the bench to ponder these two names. Neither of these names appeared flattering to me.

I left church and called my sister, a mighty warrior of God, and told her that God had called me two names. Her reply was “If God called me names; I needed to find out what they meant.” I searched scripture and found that the name Hephzibah means, “The Lord delights in her” and that Beulah meant, “Thy land is married (committed, spoken for, etc). Needless to say, I was delighted in the significance of these two names that my Savior has bestowed upon me. My goal and treasure in life is to fulfill the plan for my life on this side of Eternity and to train for the other side of Eternity.

I offer you the revelations, thoughts, and meditations that God imparts to me in this blog “Hepzibah In Training”.

I thank you for your comments.
