The Kingdom Anointing


The Kingdom Anointing

Marsha Deveaux Johnson, Living Joy Ministries, Inc.


Early on December 15, 2020 God spoke to me and said that He was placing a “Kingdom Anointing” on my life.  I had never to my knowledge heard of such an anointing. I was eager to hear what Father had to say regarding this anointing.  He dropped in my spirit  New Testament scriptures that refer to kingdoms.  I immediately researched them as He began to stir my heart regarding the “Kingdom Anointing”.


When Jesus was here on earth, He often spoke of two kingdoms.   They are the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 20:23, Matthew 22:2-4) and the Kingdom of God, (Luke 17:21).  The kingdom of heaven is the surrounding territory in which we live, celestial, terrestrial, and telestial. Celestial refers to the sky. Terrestrial refers to the land. Telestial   relates to the lowest degree of glory that surrounds us.  The Kingdom of God is the plan, purpose, and intent of God that lies within you.  In other words. It is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit living and abiding within you to bring about the will of the God-Head in you.


God said that the kingdom anointing is unleashed by binding and loosing (Matthew 18:18).  The Believer has the power (authority) to bind principalities, powers of darkness and the like here on earth and have it bound in the heavens.  Believers also have the power to release the will, plan, and purpose of God right here on earth and have it come to pass. 


God gave me some words that would identify this anointing.  They were rip (to cut or tear open), tear (pull apart by force), unearth (to bring to light, uncover), pronounce (to utter officially), and a few more.  He began to explain to me that this anointing would bring death to the works of darkness in the kingdom of heaven and establish the Kingdom of God in my own life and the lives of others.


God pointed out to me in scripture that the people of Nineveh were wickedly living their lives (in the kingdom of heaven).  But it was not until the “Kingdom Anointing” landed in their midst with Jonah (who had  the word of the Lord in his mouth) that things changed.  The word of God pronounced judgment over the land and things changed. The king set forth a decree that all people should fast and repent before God to bring forth the Kingdom of God in their land.  Even the animals had to fast (abstain from food and water) to bring the Kingdom of God to the land.  


Circumstances and situations can go   on for  what seems like  forever in the kingdom of heaven.  But there comes a time when God speaks judgment upon kingdom of heaven activity within His church (organized church, body of Christ). God rips, tears, unearths, and pronounces His will, plan, and purpose on an issue and everyone must acknowledge. Nobody escapes His justice.  No one can revoke His sentence by the will of man.  After all, He is Sovereign and He is God.


God sends His word to a situation before He takes action.  God spoke to Solomon (1st Kings 11:11) and said that He would tear Solomon’s kingdom from him and give it to his servant.  God followed through with His plan because of the disobedience of a man that He gave everything in this world.


On October 2, 2020, God said to me that His church (organized church,  body of Christ) would have fallouts and separations and it would be to His glory (He is cleansing His bride and bringing her into oneness).  Throughout the previous months God has been speaking to many of  His leaders and prophets about  His displeasure of  the unrighteous, racist, immoral, unethical, and cruel  Trump administration. They are now speaking the words of the Father clearly and without reservation.  This will continue to happen and God will be glorified.  He knows the way that was taken and He will bring His body to full understanding.  Prophets of old spoke and were ridiculed, imprisoned, beaten, isolated, rejected, and  hated because of the true word of God.  Nevertheless, they spoke truth and God brought His word to pass. 


God does not play favorites.  He has a plan and our job is not to bring about His will with our plan.  When we try to do this, we enter Satan’s territory.  Satan loves self-made plans that mimic God’s will in the lives of Christians.  He can somehow convince them to open a door to slavery, hardness of heart, and rebellion.  No one should chose that door.   Death is behind it.


Repentance is all that is ever necessary when we “miss” God.  Pride, arrogance, self-justification, and self-righteousness will only bring further death and destruction.  For the church, It is a time of tearing, ripping, unearthing, pronouncing, and whatever else God wants to do.  No person will stop God’s plan regardless of the earthly clout they have gathered.  This earth, they that dwell therein, and the fullness thereof belong to God. Everyone who fights His plan is ripped, torn apart, unearthed, pronounced upon and ultimately excluded from His plan and purpose.  Don’t let this happen.   Don’t be without Him for eternity.


Let the Kingdom of God reign and rule in your heart so that life will spring forth from your existence.  The earthly surround (kingdom of heaven) is sometimes void of the plan, purpose, and will of God.  However, the Kingdom of God is always clear.  Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice and another, they will not hear” (John 10:27). Which voice have you heard and what Voice is speaking now to you?


Will you allow the kingdom of God to reign in you or will you be satisfied with the kingdom of heaven and its hits and misses?  The choice remains in you.



The “Kingdom Anointing” pronounces judgment on the unrighteousness of kingdom of heaven activities.  It releases the kingdom of God in Believers to bring His plan, purpose, and intent into their lives here on earth. I have received the “Kingdom Anointing” that God has placed upon my life and will allow Him to teach me His heart for my life and the lives of those He has placed in my path for ministry.


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Why "Hepzibah in Training?"

More than twenty five years ago I stood in a powerful praise and worship service. As I entered into worship weeping in the presence of the King, I heard the voice of Jesus in my spirit. He called me two names. The first name was Hephzibah and the second was Beulah. I was stunned and immediately sat down on the bench to ponder these two names. Neither of these names appeared flattering to me.

I left church and called my sister, a mighty warrior of God, and told her that God had called me two names. Her reply was “If God called me names; I needed to find out what they meant.” I searched scripture and found that the name Hephzibah means, “The Lord delights in her” and that Beulah meant, “Thy land is married (committed, spoken for, etc). Needless to say, I was delighted in the significance of these two names that my Savior has bestowed upon me. My goal and treasure in life is to fulfill the plan for my life on this side of Eternity and to train for the other side of Eternity.

I offer you the revelations, thoughts, and meditations that God imparts to me in this blog “Hepzibah In Training”.

I thank you for your comments.
